
Planned routines and systems done daily, helps busy mamas stay organized, focused, and productive in life, work, and homemaking..

To Do List

8 Benefits of Having a Master to Do List (MTDL)

August 21, 20233 min read

 8 Benefits of having a Master To-Do List (MTDL)

If you are reading this blog, chances are you’re a mother with a lot on your plate right now. You may have come across my previous post titled Do these 4 Things Everyday to Create More Alignment. Whatever brought you here, the idea of being more productive or creating and having an MTDL aligns with you. So, let’s see how this tool can help you shift from having too much to do in life to getting it all done effectively.

What is a Master To-Do List Exactly?

Let’s start here with the MTDL, in case you didn’t know a MTDL is just that, a Master List of things To Do! There are a few ways a MTDL can be referenced, however. The two most popular ways are as a Brain Dump, where you get everything out of your head and onto paper, and this serves as a running list of things that need to get done. To better serve me and many other busy mamas out there, the MTDL is different in that it has one critical rule. And that rule is that you can only categorize what you want to accomplish and truly believe in achieving for the year.

What is a MTDL

What can you Include on your Master To-Do List?

You can include anything and everything on your MTDL as long as it follows the rule of one. The rule of one strategically lists out what you want to accomplish and truly believe in accomplishing within one year. Events and tasks such as vacations, places to visit, annual appointments, and seasonal cleaning can be included on your List.

Some Things on my List include:

  • Annual bills/memberships renewal dates (Home termite inspection, done annually)

  • Change smoke detector batteries (Twice a year)

  • Holiday Vacation 

  • Books I want to read

  • Goals for the Home (Redo Flower bed in the spring)

What a Master To-Do List Is NOT!

  • Your MTDL is not a wish list; it should be intentional

  • Your MTDL is not a weight but serves as a productivity tool that will NOT work unless YOU DO!

  • It should not tie you down and keep you feeling stuck but serve as a guide to effectively getting more done. 

Benefits of MTDL

What are the Benefits of a Master To-Do List?

Considering that your MTDL breaks down from the annual goals of 12 months to monthly, weekly, and then daily, there are many benefits to be had from MTDL in general.

  1. Mitigates the Risk of Forgetting Things- The MTDL puts an end to the constant cycle of worry and 

  2. Reduces Mind Clutter- Creating the MTDL gets things out of your head and onto paper.

  3. Helps you Avoid Distractions- Having a broken-down list allows you to stay focused by seeing the highest priority for you on your List. 

  4. Greater Efficiency- This allows you to prioritize tasks for ultimate efficiency.

  5. Coordinate Similar Tasks- Helps you to avoid repetition or overlap of tasks.

  6. Greater Time Management- when you can prioritize your tasks better and plan accordingly, you can create time blocks, allowing each day to go by faster and more smoothly. 

  7. Tracks your Progress- A sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is associated with checking off tasks from a to-do list. This action can create the effect of an "I Can Do" attitude, resulting in more confidence, satisfaction, and, therefore, daily productivity. 

  8. Easily Carry Over Tasks-  in the event that something cannot get done, we don’t beat ourselves up about it; we go to bed knowing that what needed to be done was done, and we did our best.  

The bottom line is that to get more done, you need to know how to manage multiple priorities. And having an MTDL can be your secret weapon for having all those thoughts, ideas, and tasks broken down. These strategically categorized lists will fit your lifestyle, allowing you to do more with less effort. Read the following blog post How to Make and Effectively Break down your MTDL to get started.

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Tynesha Keene

Tynesha is the magic behind Mom Life Alignment. She is a wife, mama, homemaker, plant-based home chef and herbalist. Some posts on MLA may contain affiliate links. Please read the affiliate policy.

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